Article overview

It's possible to link to the article overview with its relative URL /actueel


Website light

A website light is a special type of website. The backend (where you manage the content of the site) is Drupal, the frontend (the site as visitors see it) is Vue JS. That is why a website light has two different URLs:

  1. Frontend
    The URL visitors use to see the website, like www.domain.xx
  2. Backend
    The URL you use to manage the content of your website, like api.domain.xx

You have to login to the backend to get to the content of the website. You have to use the frontend URL to see the effect of your changes in the backend.

A website light is intended for websites with little content and does not have the extensive configuration possibilities of a fully Drupal website. A lot of components of a website light are predefined and can't be configured to your wants.

Live examples